7 Mind Blowing Romance Secrets Experts Won’t Tell You


Two people fell in love. Just like you, they did all the classic romantic things. But the passion faded after a few months. Is this inevitable?

Beyond those classic romantic things. I’m gonna show you a new world, follow me.

Write “I love you” on every page of a pack of Post-It Notes. Stick them all over her scooty.

Give your lover a dozen roses—and do it with a creative twist. Give eleven red roses and one white rose. Attach a note that reads: “In every bunch there’s one who stands out—and you are that one.”

Sending a birthday card isn’t just a good idea, it’s an obligatory romantic gesture. But how about doing something different this year? On your lover’s birthday, send a “thank you” card to his or her mother.

Keep candles in the car. Eat dinner by candlelight the next time you go to McDonald’s.Place a single flower under the windshield wiper of the car.

Do buy flowers that begin with the first letter of her name.Eg,Tulips for Thanvi. Sunflowers for Shanvi but not Shoe flowers. Hibiscus rosa sinensis,don’t give them to her.I bet your love fails if you give them.

“Butterfly Kisses”: You’re butterfly kissing when your face is very close to your lover’s cheek, and you blink your eye rapidly, softly grazing your eyelashes against her skin.

Want to jazz up the presentation of a special meal? Buy a little hunk of dry ice from a local ice house. Put it in a bowl ofwater and place it on your serving tray. You’ll create wondrous, billowing white clouds!

People who take risks, who live life creatively and spontaneously, live more funfilled, passionate lives. Romance is about the little things. It’s much more about the small gestures—the little ways of making daily life with your lover a bit more special—than it is about extravagant expensive gestures.

Ram Sai Nag

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